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What is a Resistive Touch Screen and How does it work?

In today’s digital world, we are surrounded by touchscreens. From phones and tablets to kiosks at stores, we use them every day. But do you know what type of these screens are and how does it work? In this guide, we will explore a type of touchscreen called the resistive touchscreen. Though it is one of the older technologies, it is still widely used.

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How Resistive Touchscreen Work?

A resistive touchscreen is a display technology that registers input through pressure applied to the screen. It consists of two thin, flexible layers separated by a small gap. When you apply pressure to the screen, the two layers touch at the point of contact, creating a circuit. The device detects and interprets this circuit as input.

Here’s how it works step by step:

  1. When the screen is at rest, the two layers are not touching each other.
  2. When you press on the screen, the top layer bends and makes contact with the bottom layer.
  3. The pressure from your finger or stylus causes the layers to touch, which completes an electrical circuit.
  4. The screen’s controller senses where this connection happens and translates it into a touch point on the screen.

This is why you need to press a bit harder on resistive touchscreens compared to others like capacitive touchscreens (the kind in most modern smartphones).

Types of Resistive Touchscreens

There are two main types of resistive touchscreens: 4-wire and 5-wire. Let’s take a look at what makes them different.

4 Wire Resistive Touchscreen

In this type, both the top and bottom layers have electrical connections. It is simpler and less expensive but not as durable. The touchscreen won’t work properly if the top layer wears out or gets damaged.

5 Wire Resistive Touchscreen

In a 5-wire resistive touchscreen, only the bottom layer detects the touch. The top layer is just for applying pressure. This makes it more reliable and long-lasting because the screen still works even if the top layer wears out.

Where Are Resistive Touchscreens Used?

In places where the durability of touchscreens is more important than everything else, you find a resistive touchscreen in action. So, here are some common places:

  • ATMs: Resistive touchscreens are mostly used in ATMs because of their durability.As we all know ATMs are used a lot and people press the screen hard often so the screen needs to be strong enough to handle all of it.
  • POS (Point of Sale) Machines: Many POS machines come with a resistive touchscreen that makes it strong enough and help cashier to customer check out.
  • Industrial Equipment: In factories, you see a resistive touchscreen in action because this screen has the ability to work well while workers have gloves and dirty hands.
  • Older Mobile Devices: Before smartphones became super popular, many phones and PDAs (personal digital assistants) had resistive touchscreens.

Advantages of Resistive Touchscreens

Resistive touchscreens have some unique benefits that make them useful in certain situations.

1. Can Be Used With Any Object

Here is an important thing about resistive touchscreen, you don’t need to use a bare finger on it, unlike other touchscreens. You can use it with gloves, styluses, or any other object. This makes it an ideal choice for cold-weather places, where people mostly wear gloves. 

2. Affordable

Resistive touchscreens are generally cheaper to produce than capacitive touchscreens. This is why many budget devices still use them.

3. More Accurate for Stylus Input

Resistive touchscreens are often more accurate when using a stylus. This happens because the screen detects exactly where you apply pressure, which is useful for drawing or handwriting.

4. Works in Tough Environments

Resistive touchscreens are specifically designed to handle dirt, water, and rough conditions. That’s why people mostly use these screens in factories, hospitals, and any other place where durability is the top priority.

Drawbacks of Resistive Touchscreens

While resistive touchscreens have their advantages, they also come with some downsides.

1. Requires Pressure to Work

You have to press down on a resistive touchscreen for it to respond. This can be tiring if you need to use the screen a lot.

2. Less Sensitive

Here is another drawback of a resistive touchscreen, is not as sensitive as a capacitive touchscreen. The screens often feel slow and clunky because of this, especially when compared to modern smartphones.

3. Cannot Support Multi-Touch

If we talk about multiple touches, then the resistive touchscreen is not able to handle it. This means this screen is not capable of zooming or can’t handle multi-finger gestures. Unlike capacitive touchscreens, they do not support multi-touch gestures.

4. Lower Screen Quality

The extra layers in resistive touchscreens can make the display look less sharp and clear. The top layer also makes the screen more prone to scratching.

Resistive vs. Capacitive Touchscreens

If we want to know well about resistive touchscreens then we need to take a look at a quick comparison with capacitive touchscreens.

  • Touch Method: If we talk about the touch sense then capacitive touchscreens don’t need pressure. Your finger’s electrical charge is detected by them. While the resistive touchscreen needs pressure to work.
  • Durability: If we compare the durability of both screens then resistive touchscreen is the winner. It can withstand with rough environment, while the capacitive screen is more sensitive.
  • Stylus Use: In stylus use, the resistive touchscreen can work with any stylus, on the other hand, a capacitive screen needs a special type of stylus to work great.
  • Multi-Touch: When it comes to multiple touches at the same time then capacitive touchscreens are on the top. While the resistive touchscreen can only detect one touch at a time.

How Technology has Evolved

As we know capacitive touchscreens are mostly used technology that is used in phones and tablets, but this does not mean the resistive touchscreens are disappeared. They remain the first choice in places where durability and cost outweigh high-tech features. With advancements in technology, resistive touchscreens have become more accurate and reliable over time.

Maintenance of Resistive Touchscreens

If you want to keep your resistive touchscreen work well then you need to keep an eye on its maintenance. Here are a few tips for you:

  • Avoid Heavy Pressure: As we all know this screen needs pressure to work but pressing too hard can damage the layer. So avoid it.
  • Keep It Clean: Dirt and debris can create a problem for the touchscreen to work well, so clean it regularly. Note: always use a soft cloth to clean it.
  • Use a Screen Protector: If you want to protect your screen from scratches then always use a screen protector. 

Future of Resistive Touchscreens

In this modern era of touchscreen technology, resistive touchscreen still has its place. They are becoming more advanced, now there are some models even trying to support multi-touch. There are high chance that we will see resistive touchscreens in action in more places as they improve, where durability is key.


Now you know what is a resistive touchscreen and how does it works. This is true resistive touchscreen may not be the most striking or most high-tech, but they are a reliable and affordable option for many uses. They can work well in tough environments and with a variety of objects making them perfect for certain tasks. 

While capacitive touchscreens dominate in common use, resistive touchscreens also play an important role in technology. There’s a good chance that a resistive touchscreen is helping you when you withdraw cash from an ATM or operate equipment in a factory.

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